PDF Download Hat Sewing Pattern

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We cannot answer questions on opening zip files as methods vary according to the device you use.

・When payment is made by credit card and order is placed, Files will appear on screen. Download files will also be sent by email.

Folders include;


・Image of pattern size


Contents (file name: letter), instructions (file name: note), example image of connecting patterns (file name: how to), instruction video address (address)

Contents are listed in the letter file. Please check the contents after downloading.

*Patterns are for printing in A4 size paper or letter size papaer. (Please connect two A4 papers or letter size papers when pattern size exceed A4 size or letter size.)




After downloading the file, please print it out and use it.

・For smart phones

Please make sure where you save the files.

Notes on printing

Please ensure your printer settings
so that patterns will be printed in accurate size.

We will send patterns like below image.


Print settings
You can print in actual size from the following;
Acrobat、Acrobat Reader

Please select either of the following;

*Actual size *Custom Scale 100%