Bucket hats, connected smiles, and a nice makeover!

A chest of drawers turned into a nice hat!

There is a sewing lover.

Do you have fabrics that have been sitting in the back of your wardrobe for a long time?

They are wonderful fabrics, but for some reason they are never used.
We have a lot of such fabrics at Simpline.

So we organize them once a year and sell them for
charity or give them away

This year, we had a
raffle for those who registered on our official line.

The winner immediately made a hat and sent us a

バケットハット 帽子を手作り 型紙のお店 シンプリン

バケットハット 帽子を手作り 型紙のお店シンプリン

バケットハット 帽子を手作り 型紙のお店シンプリン

Bucket hat made with printed fabric and ox fabric.

Polka dots on the back.

バケットハット 帽子を手作り 型紙のお店シンプリン

She is going to give it as a gift to her friend.

I am sure they will be very happy with it.

Smiles connected by hats

Sorting out sleeping fabric

Making bucket hats

Giving away hats

My fabrics are organized and my house is clean
Winners are having fun making hats
Friends are getting wonderful hat gifts

Hats are bringing happiness to people.
It is truly a circle of hat beauties.

Thank you for making wonderful hats.

To avoid wasting them in the first place,
choose fabrics carefully... but
we would like to continue to connect such a wonderful relationship.

Click here to see the pattern for the bucket hat.

On our official line, we are planning giveaways,
and useful information about making hats,
We will bring you things that will make hat making fun.

Simplin official line

Please register with us if you like.
If you send us a stamp or a message to
after registering, we will give you
an easy way to make a corsage.

Onlineshop Blog



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